Deepavali,  A festival..         Not a Shame!

Deepavali is just here, all are set and excited to celebrate this most auspicious festival of  hindus in their respective ways. 

Deepavali which means “Series of light” and “glow of light”, spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil,  and hope over despair. Deepavali is being celebrated in honor of the return of Lord Rama, Goddess Sita and Lord Lakshmana to Ayodhya from exile of 14 years after Rama defeated Ravana. To honor them, villagers light Diyas to celebrate the triumph of good over evil. 

Now that was the marked history of why Do we celebrate Diwali and how important this festival is, for we ‘The Hindus‘. 

But If we see the articles and headlines of past few years, It will leave you spellbound,  that how smartly critics are poking our festivals. Critics have started defining our festivals as the biggest environmental hazzard. I wonder Is it only our festival which is polluting the Environment and at the same time marking our festivals as the ‘life end’ for all the street animals.  But isn’t that a point we  should criticize for? 

When I made the plan about writing on this issue, I already saw such unwanted social posts about, ‘How we shouldn’t light crackers during Diwali,  because it is not kind to animals and as well as to the environment.’ The same people just for the sake of their high status routinely travel business class to attend international conferences or say Holiday trips and who work and live in Ac environment 24/7, and displaying their luxirious four wheelers and burning diesel,  Want us to not light crackers because it is oh-so bad for the environment and when comes Holi they get out of their Olympic sized swimming pools and tell us to save water.


This ever growing critcs are so not going to stop because we, who are at blame according to them never take a dig on it. 

In this article I could have also mentioned how other community’s festivals also have some short comings and they are equally not so good as far as the environment is concerned, But being a human,  I am not here to hurt the sentiments of the people around the world.

Facts say, everything including our festivals have a downside to it.  That is again an old age fact.  Nothing in this world can be made picture perfect without any side effects.

So my idea of writing this article is just to alert all the people, not only the Hindus but all the Indians, whenever someone tries to poke your festival, don’t bow down, instead tell them the rituals and the history attached with your festival and be proud about  your tradition,  customs and festivals. 

Definitely with the time, Change is must,  but that change must come from within, Not because anybody else want that change.

I know after reading this article people might criticize me, As most of the crackers are ‘Made in china’, Then I would say please go check out yourself,  Is everything that you use is an Indian product?  Your answer would be a straight ‘No’  and even if one is so particular about using Indian products then you will definitely manage buying crackers with the label ‘Made in India‘ from the market. 

I Muskan Bhojwani don’t light crackers, but I light up countless diyas at home and to keep the tradition alive in me I light up the sparkling fuljhadi, And also enjoy witnessing the fireworks, with my family. 

I am a proud practicing Hindu. I respect and celebrate my traditions. And let me tell you all that Deepavali is personally my favourite time of the year. 

By the way has anyone taken on account of the number of crackers that are fired during the New year eve and at the the grand Opening and Closing Ceremony of any Sports event,  But again why would the critics cry for these celebrations. These are not hindu festival, isn’t it.? 

Happy Diwali to all✨

Thanks for reading,  please share as much as you can. 

Follw me on Instagram @imuskanbhojwani

Jai Hind🇮🇳

6 thoughts on “Deepavali,  A festival..         Not a Shame!

  1. This is a tight slap on the faces of all those who work with an intent to demean Indian Community & their diverse rituals, traditions for the sake of soaking little fame across the people.
    A big round applause off my side! Cheers Muskan. Keep it up~ ♥️


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